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Week 5: Record, Upload, and Embed a Video or Screencast

Record a short, learning-focused video or screencast (topic is up to you, but it should be something instructional). You'll then upload that video to an online video service (like YouTube) and embed the video in a new page.

Here is my 2:24 minute video. It begins with an introduction describing it's purpose. It then shows step-by-step instruction for analyzing the City of Chicago's towed vehicle data using Socrata visualization tools.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Launch a browser, search City of Chicago Towed Vehicle Data.

2. Click Towed Vehicles | City of Chicago | Data Portal - Socrata.

Image 5-1.png

3. Click Visualize and then Create Visualization.

Image 5-2.png

4. In the Sign In to Save Visualization window, click No Thanks.

Image 5-3.png

5. From the list of Dimensions, click Color.

6. Click to display a Bar Chart. The most common color of car towed is BLK (black), the least common are PNK (pink) and LAV (lavender).

Image 5-4.png

7. Now change the dimension from color to Make. The most common is CHEV (Chevrolet), the least common is Yugo (ZCZY).

Image 5-5.png

The conclusion: To minimize the chances of your rental car being towed while visiting Chicago, request a pink Yugo. If they don’t have one in available, we'll need to consider something a little higher on the list. Like maybe a pink Cadillac.

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